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2nd Grade Boy's Curriculum Bundle

2nd Grade Boy's Curriculum Bundle

SKU: TTTBundle2B

Second-grade boys are busy and on the go.  We’ve created these materials to help tap into their interests and make learning fun. By varying the activities and including things boys love, these lessons easily capture their attention.  No boring seatwork here! They’ll document learning in all the core subjects, study animals, enjoy nature, and dive into poetry and creative writing. Ignite a love of learning for your students by learning with something they’re already interested in. 


Lessons are easy to plan and prepare.  Each day students will complete different learning activities within these journals.  They can work independently, in a small group, or as a full class. Our journals are easy to adapt to the individual needs of each student as well.  An entire school year of creative and interactive learning ready to go for your classroom.




  • Homeschooling With Pets: Over 200 lessons and activities based on pets.  Students will document learning in all the basic school subjects such as handwriting, reading, math practice, art, storytelling, music, and more, while tapping into things that interest them.


  • Homeschooling Active Boys: Document learning in all the standard school subjects while tapping into boys’ active bodies and minds. They will absolutely love learning with this journal! 


  • Four Seasons Spelling Time: Children will use this book to practice reading, writing, spelling, logic, art, drawing, coloring, creating calendars, and writing their own stories and poems. They’ll learn 150 words in fun, creative ways. We combine art, science, months, weather, seasons, and language arts all in one adorable book.


  • Nature Study & Outdoor Science Journal: Creativity and discovery at its best, this journal invites children into nature study.  Students will learn about different animals, weather, and plants, as well as how to record their observations. 


  • Creepy Sea Creatures Fun-Schooling Games: Students will have fun while learning about sea creatures through art and photography. They will build a foundation for learning multiplication through skip counting and will grow in curiosity as they begin their own quests to discover more about these amazing animals.


  • Hobby Time Adventure Journal:  A 180-page journal full of fun activities and ideas based on LEGOS, Minecraft, active adventures, and other hobbies. Includes creative writing prompts, comic strip templates, blank calendars, illustrations, coloring pages, and storytelling. 


  • Secret Quest: This journal allows boys to feel free to be creative with art and words. Over 200 pages with LEGO, dinosaur, fossil, nature, animal, and outdoor themes.


  • All About Ocean Creatures: Students will learn about different ocean animals through fun poetry, art and logic games, and other creative lessons.  They will work on spelling, math, art, science, and geography. Children love this journal and it is perfect for struggling and reluctant learners.

  • Suggested Lesson Plan

    Below is a suggested schedule for your classroom or homeschool. The page amounts listed under each title are the suggested number of pages to complete in a week.  We know each day will vary and some days you might get through more and others less. It’s meant to give flexibility while still completing the journal in an entire semester or school year. This is based on a typical 180-day/ 36-week long school year.  Adjust as needed if your school, or family, follows a different schedule.   We’ve also included a few tips and notes when needed.


    Core journals- Students can complete their core journals daily either in the morning to open the day or have a “core journal” time in the afternoon.  These can be completed in small groups or alone.

    (We recommend that you expect the child to do the lower number of pages each day, but some eager learners will enjoy doing more. So when we recommend 2-6 pages per day, 2 is usually enough for most children depending on their attention span)

    • Homeschooling With Pets
      • Complete First Semester
      • 2-4 pages per day
    • Homeschooling Active Boys
      • Complete Second Semester
      • 4-6 pages per day

    Language Arts- complete daily

    • Four Seasons Spelling Time
      • Complete throughout the year during the appropriate month/ season
    • Hobby Time Adventure Journal
      • Creative Writing/ Storytelling
      • 5-6 pages per week
      • Complete for 15-20 minutes two or three days a week.  Students may dictate their story to a teacher to write or type instead of writing themselves.  This is also a good journal to work on in a small-group.
    • Secret Quest
      • Use as an independent writing journal or split with Hobby Time and use one journal per semester.


    • Nature Study & Outdoor Science Journal
      • Complete daily for 15-20 minutes per day.  Most pages can be completed independently, some of the research-based pages may be best to complete in small groups or as a full class.
      • 2-4 pages per day
    • Creepy Sea Creatures Fun-Schooling Games
      • Use as desired for a “brain break,” warm-up, or rest time activity.
    • All About Ocean Creatures
      • This would be a good journal to complete on Monday to ease students back into school after the weekend or on Friday when they’re antsy.  20-30 minutes to complete.
      • 2-3 pages per week
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