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PDF Money & Careers (Print-at-Home)

PDF Money & Careers (Print-at-Home)

PDF - Print-at-Home (no physical products will be mailed)


We think of this as our “home economics at home” bundle. Students will learn all the necessary skills they need to not only survive as an adult- but thrive! They will have a chance to garden, explore photography, learn about money, and learn about different careers.


This bundle will set your tweens and teens up for a lifetime of needed skills.

Use daily and complete in a year. Students can also spread out the journals to make them last several years. A suggested lesson plan is included below.  Students can work independently, in a small group, or as a class. All you need to add are library books, podcasts, videos, and art supplies. Then document your learning in these guided journals. 

Suggested Age Range- 8+
A wide range of ages can use these journals by selecting age-appropriate study materials.


All About Money: Covers the basics of money, including business, economics, saving, debt, government, and budgeting. Students will even learn about pandemics and the impact of war on an economy.

Camera Quest: Students will go on a scavenger hunt throughout their neighborhood while learning about photography and art. It contains 31 unique challenges to develop excellent photography skills while having fun.

How to Make Money: An interactive guide to uncovering passions, igniting ambition, and providing the practical tools needed to set and accomplish financial goals. It covers subjects such as economics, social studies, and career planning.


Garden Research Handbook: Guides students through learning how to plant a successful garden. Covers topics such as composing, types of soil, climates & zones, and plant disease.


Below are a few options for scheduling your Fun-Schooling day. There is no “wrong” way to use Fun-Schooling Journals. Be creative! Please reach out if you need help with planning/scheduling.

We recommend the same number of pages per day as a child’s age. An 8-year-old would work on 8 pages/day, a 14-year-old would work on 14 pages/day. One page is a single side of the paper- not both.

Option 1- Pure loop. Stick everything in a pile. Let your child decide how many pages to complete in each journal as they work through the stack. After they finish with a journal, it goes to the bottom of the pile. This is the most child-led and relaxed method.

Option 2- Half the pages per day from one journal and half from another, completing two journals per day.

Option 3- Theme days. For example, Monday Core Journal. Tuesday, Language Arts. Wednesday, Geography- etc.
Option 4- Half pages from a core journal, the rest from one single subject journal.
Option 5- Work in-depth on one journal and complete it thoroughly, then move on to the following journal. Most journals will last six-twelve weeks with this method.


    $150.00 Regular Price
    $112.50Sale Price
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