PDF (6+) The Secret World of Talking Animals - Creative Writing
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Fun-Schooling with Imagination - The Secret World of Talking Animals - Creative Writing - 30 Highly Detailed Pen-and-Ink Drawings to Color and Writing About.
A creative writing book sure to inspire even the most reluctant writers. With highly detailed drawings of animals in fun and creative spaces and plenty of space to jot down your stories.
This is sure to become a treasured keepsake. Perfect for all students, especially reluctant and struggling writers. This book is simply beautiful. With young writers. allow the child to dictate their stories.
Each illustration is followed by a journaling page to write down a tale that goes along with it.
"My daughter is going to love this. She enjoys creating stories but likes intricate pictures to colour as she's always "borrowing" my adult colouring books that have fancy designs. Well, these illustrations will be perfect for her!Not only is this book good for kids and teens but it's also good for moms! Wonderful addition to my Thinking Tree library!” Serena
A creative writing handbook for storytellers. A coloring book for children and adults.
Fun-Schooling for children with vast imaginations!All Ages!
Thinking Tree Learning Levels:
A1 = Pre Reader (Pre-K) ages 2-5
A2 = Beginning Readers (K-1st) ages 6-7
B1 = Early Elementary (2nd-3rd) ages 8-9
B2 = Upper Elementary (4th-6th) ages 10-11
C1 = Junior High (7th-8th) ages 12-14
C2 = High school + (9th-adult) ages 13+
Many Thinking Tree Journals span a wide variety of ages because the students use books at his/her reading level. For example, some journals may say for ages 7-17 because you customize it and meet the student where he’s at.